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Ahmed Harfouf

M&A Best Practices in the Mining Industry. The case of St Barbara Ltd and Allied Gold Mining Plc

Страниц: 76
Формат: 148x210
Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2017 in the subject Business economics - Investment and Finance, grade: 72%, Kingston University London (Kingston business school), course: M.B.A, language: English, abstract: Globalisation and the increased importance of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) in the corporate world, continue to be the focus and centre of attention of many. The constant increase in the volume of transactions and deal value in all sectors, has led to many researches in the field of M&A, focussing on deal structuring, integration process identification, and also success factors. Being unique, a limited research has been focussed on the mining sector, hence it is valuable to investigate M&A factors of success in the mining industry. Therefore, the research question of "Critical success factors for M&A, and best practices in the mining industry" has been raised. Comprehensive list of critical success factors has been identified through a broad literature review, to endeavour the practicality of each factor to the mining sector. Also, the author has conducted a case study analysis method, to provide a real-life expertise of M&A in the mining industry, based on secondary data and annual reports. The case of ST Barbara Mining Limited (SBM AU) takeover of Allied Gold Mining (ALD AU) was investigated, in order to identify critical factors of success pre and post-merger in the Gold mining sector.Addressing the research question, the find...
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