Главная задача образования - это обеспечение пяти качеств в человеке: любознательности, духа, не признающего поражения, настойчивости в достижении цели, готовности к самоотречению и, прежде всего, сострадания.
К. Хан

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Florian Eitzenberger

Organizational Justice in International Joint Ventures

Страниц: 54
Формат: 148x210
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Business economics - General, grade: 2,0, University of Tubingen (International Business), language: English, abstract: This thesis explores the significance of organizational justice in international joint ventures (IJV), from an organizational as well as a cultural perspective. The majority of studies on organizational justice were conducted within organizations and in a mono-cultural context. However, in the face of increasing globalization and growing popularity of IJV activities, the study of fairness in a cross-cultural context becomes more and more important. Therefore, this thesis seeks to bring organizational justice into relation with culture by using an IJV context, and serve as a starting point for further research in this area. The three dimensions of justice, distributive, procedural, and interactional justice, positively affect IJV performance through their distinct and interactive effects. In this setting, culture has a moderating influence on justice perceptions, which can be assessed though bringing justice perspectives together with Hofstede's cultural dimensions. Effects on fairness perceptions in different cultures can be outlined and contrasted. On this basis, implications for theoretical discussion and managerial practice in cross-cultural joint ventures can be derived. Together with further research, managers could use these findings to develop transcultural justice competencies. To decide which of ...
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