Мы берем на хранение чужие мысли и знания, только и всего. Нужно, однако, сделать их собственными.
М. Монтень

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Philip Hofbauer

Market leadership in niche segments of the aviation industry. Customer integration and aircraft innovation by EMBRAER S.A.

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Bachelor Thesis from the year 2006 in the subject Business economics - Operations Research, grade: 1,3, University of Applied Sciences Fulda, language: English, abstract: The thesis will examine how Embraer has gained a leading position in its market segment by matching product innovations to the demands of its customers, and how this position is likely to be defended in a highly-sensitive, capital-intense, hightechnology industry. Furthermore, the thesis will explore how decisions are made regarding the fleet composition of Embraer's main customers and how their needs are integrated into Embraer's business operations.The successful concepts of Embraer are primarily based on product families that can be offered for different markets. Thus, Embraer's development and business practices can be critically evaluated with regard to other emerging nations, such as India and China, that will enter this or similar markets soon. As Embraer has different strategic business units in both civilian and defense markets, this thesis will focus primarily on the company's operations in the commercial aircraft market.The second chapter of the thesis gives a short overview of the history of the aviation industry and its current situation. Chapter three shows the reader a detailed picture of particular markets and sub-markets where Embraer has operations, the state of the company, its products, and its history. The fourth chapter analyzes the primary market for Embraer, the forces...
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