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Dominik K?mmerle

'Amicable Solutions' in Trade Defence. What are the Political Economic Determinants of Accepting Price Undertakings in the EU?

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Master's Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Economics - Foreign Trade Theory, Trade Policy, grade: Distinction, London School of Economics (European Institute), language: English, abstract: When it comes to concluding a trade defence proceeding in the European Union (EU), the regulations allow for three alternative outcomes: (1) a termination without measures, (2) the imposition of a protective duty or (3) the acceptance of a price undertaking. Price undertakings are voluntary offers by foreign exporters to revise their prices so that the Commission is satisfied that the subsidization or dumping margin and their injurious effects are removed.Some welfare economists have concluded that 'a rational policy maker will always prefer duties' (Pauwels and Springael, 2002, 135). Thus, there is no rationale for price undertakings from an income maximization perspective. However, others have highlighted the role of price undertakings as a diplomatic tool in the EU's neighbourhood policy, which is powerfully evidenced by a sharp decline in the frequency of price undertakings after the EU's Eastern enlargement in 2004 (Appendix 1). Yet, a paradox persists: Out of fourteen price undertakings accepted between 2006 and 2015, only four accounted for countries in the EU's immediate neighbourhood. In contrast, price undertakings were accepted by ten countries that fell outside of Europe, with the BRIC countries accounting for nine, and China alone for five (Append...
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Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Эшли Баду-Аггри: подтверждена связь междуPаллергией и психическими расстройствами человека
Для анализа проявления двух групп заболеваний специалисты из Бристольского и Эдинбургского университетов использовали менделевскую рандомизацию для обработки данных пациентов из Биобанка Великобритании и выявили генетические варианты, определяющие конкретные аллергические заболевания, а затем проверили их на наличие связи с психическими расстройствами.

Эффективность физических упражнений зависит отPвремени суток и пола человека
[У женщин утренние упражнения уменьшают количество жира на животе и помогают стабилизировать кровяное давлениеk, 0рассказал один из организаторов исследования Пол Джей Арсьеро.