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Mayolo Alberto L?pez Castellanos

Agent Based Simulation Approach to Assess Supply Chain Complexity and its Impact on Performance

Страниц: 296
Формат: 148x210
In today's global business environment, the intense competition, the changing and uncertain conditions, and the increasing customer's requirements are challenges for the companies' operational efficiency and profitability. In this context, companies highlight the importance of supply chain design and its holistic understanding in order to achieve and sustain competitive strengths. This book analyses supply chains as complex systems, whose performance is characterized by their structural configuration and emergent behaviour. The author analyses the supply chain structure and behaviour within the scope of complexity science. He focuses on supply chain complexity by means of a literature review and an empirical research, which give insights into the impact of complexity on supply chain performance. Moreover, within this book the supply chain is modelled as a complex system by considering the non-linear relationships of its geo-positioned elements. Finally, an agent based model is developed for the generic supply chain simulation, which allows assessing the impact of complexity on supply chain performance and characterizing the behaviour of supply chain designs. The materials presented in this book contribute to the understanding and management of supply chain complexity. This work complements existing complexity frameworks with a holistic analysis of complexity's impact on the performance of supply chain participants and their network. The findings of this work a...
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Чистый четверг в 2015 году, какого числа, как отмечать
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Чистота или здоровье?
Разработанное немецкими учеными экологичное моющее средство [Универсальный каменьk представляет Виктор Кокушкин, генеральный директор компании ООО [Санкт-Петербургский центр гигиены и эпидемиологии Экоконтрольk.