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Фихте И.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jan-Philipp B?chler

Towards an Integrative Approach to Alliance Failure

Страниц: 98
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The past decade has seen increased academic interest in strategic alliances because alliances have developed to a centerpiece of corporate strategy. The number of newly formed alliances has been growing at more than 25 percent annually throughout the last decade and most large companies have at least 30 alliances; many have more than 100 in their alliance portfolio. According to empirical studies about 90 percent of the questioned companies are embedded in one or more alliances, which seem to be proliferating with increasing competition and globalization. Yet despite the ubiquity of strategic alliances, reality shows that many alliances fail. They do not meet the goals of the parent companies and fall short of expectation for different reasons i.e. alliances do not perform as intended. Empirical researchers find that between 30 percent and 70 percent of alliances fail. However, there is neither a comprehensiv understanding of alliance failure and success nor a managerial framework that would allow to improve alliance performance. Although a number of theoretical approaches as well as empirical studies have developed possible answers for the understanding of alliance failure by examining single factors, the review of the existing literature and investigation into the different theories shows that the reasoning is of a narrow view. To date, researchers mostly pay attention to individual aspects, but do not hold a holistic perspective. Most studies attrib...
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