Тот, кто учится не размышляя, впадет в заблуждение. Тот, кто размышляет, не желая учиться, окажется в затруднении.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Anatoly Zhuplev

Doing Business in Russia, Volume II. A Concise Guide

Страниц: 264
Формат: 152x220
Russia is a major economy and important power in the global political-economic landscape. Following the dissolution of the USSR, Russia has become a premier global marketplace despite remaining enigmatic and challenging. The book serves as a concise guide in understanding Russia from an international business perspective. It explores strategic issues, drivers, constraints, costs, and risks of international expansion and includes analytical tools, practical applications, sources of information, and assistance in international business research. These are supplemented by analysis of Russia's macro-economic profile, drivers, strategic strengths and weaknesses in the comparative context, including its international market attractiveness and opportunities for U.S. companies. The book examines Russia's main industries, their profiles, trends and business attractiveness, trends, and marketing strategies. The discussion of Russia's regions covers regional subdivisions and economic profiles with the focus on Moscow, the leading economic region. The book also covers the drivers and trends of the Russian small business sector and entrepreneurial business venturing. Despite the onslaught of capitalism, Russia retains its relationship-driven culture. The book provides insights by evaluating the determinants of Russian culture, its national profile in major global cross-cultural studies, and practical cultural applications in business, negotiations, and communications. The book...
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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Коллекция рефератов и курсовых 2010-2011
Доброго времени суток! Вот в очередной раз решил порадовать Вас новыми материалами для учебы. На этот раз – огромная коллекция рефератов. PОна выложена в виде образа диска, который каждый сможет Читать дальше... Copyright Y 2011, Студент отличник. Блог успешного студента. Все права защищены. | Постоянная ссылка | Хотите узнать больше? Посмотреть все записи в категории [...]