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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Dr. Joan Cartwright

Women in Jazz. Music Publishing and Marketing

Страниц: 188
Формат: 210x280
This qualitative case study explored women jazz musicians and earning as music publishers. It examined business practices of 20 women in jazz in the U.S., between 30 and 64, who compose and publish jazz mu-sic. Variables were education, number of songs composed, incorporation, affiliation with royalty organiza-tions, and how they used marketing, branding, promotion, and advertisement. Participants discussed finan-cial challenges resulting from gender and age discrimination. Focus was on business tactics for operations and marketing that affected the professional careers of women jazz musicians. Best business practices were explored for women musicians in jazz and guidelines for young women entering the industry. Suggestions were made for how private corporations and governments could be more inclusive of women's music through programming and grant-making, and recommendations for future research and policy for equitable treatment of women musicians, particularly in media and film.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Юха Сааринен: стало ясно, как климат повлиял наPмиграцию первых людей изPАфрики вPЕвропу
Юха Сааринен из университета Хельсинки отмечает, что их волновал испанский городок Гуадикс как одна из ранних стоянок (1,2 -1,4 млн. лет) первых людей за пределами Африки.

Юннаты Кроноцкого заповедника изучили флору вPрайоне горного массива Вачкажец
Юннаты Кроноцкого заповедника изучили флору в районе горного массива Вачкажец и пришли к неутешительным выводам, сообщает ИА KamchatkaMedia со ссылкой на заповедник.