Кто не знает, куда направляется, очень удивится, попав не туда.
Твен Марк

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Yasser Osman, Yara Osman

Buildings, Projects, and Babies

Страниц: 114
Формат: 152x220
Offering tips and strategies in this manual for project managers, The Author -An experienced project manager- who has worked on many construction sites, never uses the word “problem” for the hurdles that come up during the building process. He prefers the term “issues,” because to call something a problem is to expect no solution, and a project manager has no such luxury. Balancing between the Moving Wealth (Team) and Fixed Wealth (Thing), this book, seeks to explain the role of the project manager and to offer strategies for those who fill that role.The Book has a favourite metaphor for his field: “the construction site itself can be seen as a kind of ‘delivery room.’ ” The building’s architect is the doctor; the client is the father; the contractor is the mother. The project manager, whose responsibilities are the focus of the book, is the equivalent of the delivery room nurse “in their ability to monitor events, and to identify issues that require immediate solutions, find those solutions, and implement them.”The Book runs through a series of situations in which various construction-related problems arise and walks the reader through the ways to fix them. By keeping a cool head and falling back on fundamentals like foresight, planning, and creative thinking, a manager can always keep the project on schedule and on budget.The book is written specifically for project managers working in the construction industry, but the fundamental managerial skills are applicable in any si...
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