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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Rod Baxter

Strategy Driven for Success Handbook. Deploy Strategies - Achieve Objectives - Celebrate Successes

Страниц: 94
Формат: 152x220
The second edition is an improved guide to strategy driven for success, designed for leaders and managers of all levels in every industry. The strategy driven handbook combines elements of the strategy development, deployment, execution, and measurement using KPIs and balanced and cascading scorecards to achieve strategic goals and objectives. This handbook provides guidance through a simple seven-step approach called SUCCESS: Step One - Set the Strategic Goals; Step Two - Understand the KPIs; Step Three - Create Cultural Engagement; Step Four - Construct the Initiatives; Step Five - Execute with Rigor and Discipline; Step Six - Sustain Result with Scorecards; Step Seven - Salute the Organization. Employing this seven-step approach results in successful development, deployment, execution, and measurement of strategic goals and objectives.With the purchase of the strategy driven handbook, the reader has access to a downloadable file containing all templates referenced in the handbook.
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