Чем более читаете, не размышляя, тем более, уверяетесь, что много знаете, а чем более размышляете, читая, тем яснее видите, что знаете еще очень мало.

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Jesse Russell

Destruction of chemical weapons

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 104
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Throughout history, chemical weapons have been used as strategic weaponry to devastate the opposing side in times of war. After the mass destruction created by WWI and WWII, chemical weapons have been considered to be inhumane by the United States and other organizations that locate and destroy existing chemical weapons. However, not all nations have been willing to cooperate with disclosing their inventory of chemical weapons. Since the start of the worldwide efforts to destroy all existing chemical weapons, some nations and terrorist organizations have used and threatened the use of chemical weapons to leverage their position in conflict. One notable example was the use of chemical weapons by Iraq’s Saddam Hussein on the Kurdish village Halabja in 1988. The efforts made by the United States and other chemical weapon destruction agencies intend to prevent such use, but this is a difficult and ongoing effort. Aside from the difficulties of...
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