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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Lynsey de Hooge

Team Reward Systems, Team Performance and National Culture

Страниц: 52
Формат: 152x220
Effective human resource management is crucially important for global, sustainable competitiveness. High levels of performance can be generated by administering rewards that motivate employees and elicit desired behavior from them. Additionally, organizations increasingly adopt teams in attempt to effectively complete tasks that become more and more complex as a result of technological advances. Consequently, it is important to explore different team reward systems. The desired team behavior, and thus the appropriateness of a specific team reward system, depends on the nature of team performance that is required to successfully complete a certain task. Moreover, understanding cross-cultural differences is essential in order to create an effective reward infrastructure for organizations operating in today's global business world. This book, therefore, provides a framework that indicates which type of team reward system is to be adopted as a function of both the nature of the required team performance and the national culture of the team members. This framework should be particularly useful to human resource managers of international organizations.
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Бизнес образование

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