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F Joseph LePla, Susan V Davis, Lynn M Park

BRAND DRIVEN. The Route to Integrated Branding Through Great Leadership

Страниц: 388
Формат: 152x220
BRAND DRIVEN "Leaders have a unique ability to not only sell a product but to deliver on a promise. Brand Driven provides a thoughtful approach to make the promise an enduring reality."Cheryl Scott, CEO of Group Health Cooperative "This book brought me a radically fresh perspective on how to think about, link, and integrate the broader concept of corporate branding into the leadership dimension of my everyday work. Reading this will help each and every manager think through the unique complexities of their business, and how to take action and lead from a place that adds value from all parts of the organization."Ronan O'Loan, Senior Organizational Consultant, Microsoft "Every organization needs to know how to deliver on its promise. Brand Driven gives leaders at every level a compass and tools for effectively working toward organizational goals and building company value."Jill Neuville, Human Resources Director, Arlington County, Virginia "The concepts in Brand Driven underline the importance of leaderships' responsibility to deliver their organization's brand promise. Brand Driven is required reading for those who seek long-term customer relationships, repeat business and a legacy of consistent profitability."Thomas Schillar, PhD, Director, Business Leadership Program, University of Puget Sound "Building recruiting and retention strategies around the corporate brand is a brilliant concept, but until now, has been overlooked, mis...
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