Наука - великолепное снадобье; но никакое снадобье не бывает столь стойким, чтобы сохраняться, не подвергаясь порче и изменениям, если плох сосуд, в котором его хранят.
Монтень М.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Robert Frisinger

The Burnout Phenomenon

Страниц: 62
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: Burnout is a multidimensional psychological syndrome that evolves as a reaction to chronic stress in the workplace. It results in an irrevocable depletion of a person?s energies and emotional resources with various negative consequences for individuals and organizations. In the past 30 years researchers tried to understand the burnout construct in its complexity and offered diverse answers to questions of why burnout appears and how it can be measured. But despite the broad academic research on burnout, the knowledge base is still lacking a comprehensive approach on how to prevent burnout from happening and how to alleviate organizations from its the negative implications. This thesis gives insights by integrating various research findings with tangible management techniques. A theoretical model is constructed for offsetting burnout and its consequences. A list of 12 multidirectional propositions is given that managers may apply to proactively decrease burnout and its effects. The implementation of effective individual, managerial or organizational patterns to deal proactively with burnout depends largely on manager?s clear and accurate understanding of the burnout construct, before acting on its consequences. For that reason it is inevitable for managers to comprehend the burnout phenomenon in its multidimensional and holistic whole. Accordingly, chapter two will explicate the theoretical burnout construct to a managerial audience. A summary of the hi...
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