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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Marek Worsch

A better Employee Motivation through the Application of Public Feedback Processes

Страниц: 98
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The Diploma Thesis at hand considers the interdependence of employee motivation on the one and feedback and job appraisal processes in organisations on the other hand. Basically, today?s job appraisal procedures have one major disadvantage. They rarely comprise more than a subjective assessment of employee performance. This assessment is normally carried out by an employee?s superior. In this thesis, it will be argued that through the dynamics of bias and politics in organisations, the validity of job appraisal information is significantly distorted. Hereby, the effectiveness of job appraisals is affected negatively since they cannot serve as a reliable basis for personnel decisions. But more important, the distorted information is likely to result in overseeing or ignoring an individual?s achievements in the workplace. Lack of appreciation of one?s effort and, additionally, the feeling of being treated inequitably compared to co-workers may erode an employee?s motivation. However, in a world of accelerating globalisation and thus increasing competition, a motivated workforce is the key to an organisation?s success. The thesis will propose a potential solution for this dilemma - public feedback. This means that the information gained through job appraisals will not be discussed ?one-on-one?, involving only superior and subordinate. Rather, the discussion is extended to the latter?s peers. The prerequisites for and the proceeding of this approach to emp...
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Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Экологи считают, что Черное море [умерлоk
По словам экологов, Черное море обладает сравнительно небольшими размерами, но в него впадает огромное количество рек, несущих органику, которая накапливается и постепенно вытесняет кислород. Таким образом, уменьшается прозрачность воды, что ведет к гибели многих организмов.

Экологи призвали защищать уродливых рыб коралловых рифов
Экологическая и эволюционная самобытность непривлекательных рыб делает их важными для функционирования всего рифа, и их исчезновение может оказать серьезное воздействие на экосистемы с высоким биоразнообразием.