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Sabrina Schleimer

25 Years of MERCOSUR. A successful Example of Regional Integration?

Страниц: 48
Формат: 148x210
Seminar paper from the year 2017 in the subject Economics - International Economic Relations, grade: 1,3, Berlin School of Economics and Law, language: English, abstract: The following extended term paper will analyse MERCOSUR and examine whether it can be regarded as a successful example of regional integration. To do so, the paper will review the objectives set in the founding treaty, the Treaty of Asunci?n, and analyse whether they have been fully met. At a glance, the objectives of MERCOSUR were to "eliminate trade barriers, establish a common external tariff, coordinate macroeconomic policies and develop the harmonization of laws" (Arieti, 2006, p. 764). To fulfil these objectives, the development of MERCOSUR was supposed to go through three gradual stages: the first goal was to create a free trade area, this was to be followed by a customs union, and the third and final aim was the creation of a common market. These stages will be analysed to conclude if they have been reached. At the same time, the main achievements and challenges of MERCOSUR's integration experience will be presented. The limited scope of this term paper does not allow for an analysis of every aspect in great detail. Due to this, the main focus after the theoretical section will be on the area of trade and on the earlier stages of the agreement, as this is most important to establish the success of MERCOSUR as a regional trade agreement and thus highly relevant to find an answer to the res...
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