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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Cameron Kawato

A Moral Case for Capitalism. Why Basic Human Morality Calls for Free Markets

Страниц: 186
This book’s main goal is to act as a handbook/manual for the modern libertarian or conservative. Whether you are in a college class, consuming the news, or watching a Hollywood movie, you will very likely be fed the lie that capitalism is immoral. You’ll be told that all of the world’s ills spring from capitalism and if we simply replace it with a different system like socialism or even communism, the world’s ills will be cured. That is a blatant lie. In reality, economic systems like socialism or communism are immoral. This book exposes them for what they really are – power-grabbing scams. It also gives an alternate view on economics that rarely comes from the classroom, the media, Hollywood, or other powerful institutions.The book is intended to be quite short as many people do not have the time nor desire to consume a 200,000-word book on economics. It is also written to be digestible for anyone at a high school reading level and there are no complex economic equations. Each paragraph attempts to offer the reader a new argument or explanation. By doing this, it was easy to cut out the fat that might have remained in a different book.In the book, we go through various topics such as the minimum wage, profits, welfare, health care, and even racism to name a few.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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Студенческое самоуправление: к молодежной политике один шаг?! Часть 4в
Здравствуйте! Сегодня я решил поделиться с Вами второй частью статьи Студенческое самоуправление: к молодежной политике один шаг?! Очень важная, непосредственная связь студенческого самоуправленияЧитать дальше... Copyright Y 2011, Студент отличник. Блог успешного студента. Все права защищены. | Постоянная ссылка | Хотите узнать больше? Посмотреть все записи в категории Новости студенческой жизни.

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