Наука - Обмен неведенья, где лишь одно Незнанье сменяется другим.
Байрон Д.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Darren Sugiyama

OUCH - How My Financial Advisor Lost Me .930,000 In Three Years

Страниц: 136
Формат: 152x220
Книга "OUCH - How My Financial Advisor Lost Me $930,000 In Three Years".Darren Sugiyama has branded his firm as the "Anti-Financial Advisor Financial Advisory Firm." His latest campaign #dothemath is perhaps the most refreshing and revolutionary approach to financial advising, and without a doubt the best financial literacy education the industry has ever seen. He takes a brutally honest and transparent look at the world of investments, annuities and life insurance. Sugiyama says, "I'm not a financial advisor. I don't advise my clients to do anything. I'm a financial CLARIFIER. I clarify the truth about the REAL mathematics of investing. If you do the REAL math, the math will tell you the truth, and the decision regarding your financial plan will become obvious... if you're working with the right financial clarifier. Forget the SIMPLE math, because typically the guy that only shows you the simple math walks away with all your money."
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