Ученый может понимать невежду, потому что он сам был таковым в детстве; невежда же не может понимать ученого, ибо никогда таковым не был.
Гельвеций К.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jesse Russel

Toledot Yeshu

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 74
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Sefer Toledot Yeshu (or Toledoth Jeschu) (??? ?????? ???, The History of Jesus,Generations of Jesus, or The Life of Jesus) is a medieval version of the story of Jesus from a Jewish perspective. The book concerns Yeshu, son of Joseph and Mary, born in Bethlehem, but also makes this Yeshu a contemporary of Queen Salome Alexandra (139–67 BCE). The work deliberately attacks and parodies the Christian Gospels and refers to Jesus as the illegitimate son of a Roman soldier, devoted to magic powers, a seducer, heretic and the victim of a shameful death. It has been called the counter-gospel, anti-gospel, and anti-evangel and according to Van Voorst is popular polemic against Jesus "run wild". The Toldoth Yeshu are not part of rabbinic literature and are considered neither canonical nor normative. There is no one authoritative Toldoth Yeshu story; rather, various medieval versions existed that differ in attitudes towards the central characters and in...
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