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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Basia Szkutnicka

Technical Drawing For Fashion

Страниц: 224
Technical drawings, or flats, are essential for anyone working in the fashion industry. Used to convey design ideas and garment details to pattern cutters and machinists, it is essential that they are drawn accurately to avoid misunderstanding and costly mistakes in sampling and production. Technical Drawing for Fashion explains how to create a technical fashion drawing using a simple and straightforward step-by-step method accompanied by some time-saving tips. This method is explained for those who wish to use Adobe Illustrator as well as for those who prefer to draw by hand. The second part of the book presents over 250 technical drawings of garment types, styles and construction details, the basic key shapes of which are shown alongside a specially created and photographed calico toile. Accompanying each illustration will be a list of all the terms by which that garment is known. This unique presentation illustrates the relationship between the three dimensional garment and the...

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По словам главы Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации Дмитрия Ливанова, студенты, учащиеся в ВУЗах, которые в результате своей неэффективной работы будут подвержены реорганизации или же вовсе ликвидированы, продолжат свое обучение в других ВУЗах.

Слияние двух ВУЗов Читы
Министром образования и науки России 20 января был подписан приказ, направленный на объединение 2-х крупных университетов города Читы, а именно: Забайкальского государственного университета (ЗабГУ) и Забайкальского государственного гуманитарно-педагогического университ...