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United States; Congress; Senat Children

New Directions in Child Support Assurance (Classic Reprint)

Книга по Требованию, 2015
Страниц: 96
Excerpt from New Directions in Child Support Assurance The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 11:09 a.m., in room Sr-385, Russell Senate Office Building, Hon. Christopher J. Dodd (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Senator Dodd. Opening Statement of Senator Dodd Senator Dodd. The committee will come to order. Let me apologize for a couple of things, I guess, this morning. First, I can hardly see you out there. You almost need binoculars. I feel like a member of the Politburo or something up here, from days gone by, looking out over the audience. But I apologize for the late start we've had a series of votes this morning in the Senate - and also for some of the construction going on out here. But let me thank all of you for being with us this morning to participate in this hearing on new directions in child support: child support assurance. We have some excellent witnesses who have had some very strong experiences in this area,...
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Бухгалтерский учет. Аудит

Студенту на заметку:
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Компания SRI Robotics показала прототип полуавтономного экскаватора. ИмPможно управлять как вручную изPкабины, так иPрядом или вовсе удаленно сPпомощью пульта или VR-шлема. АPчасть задач экскаватор может выполнять самостоятельно.

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