Ученый уже в ранней молодости должен примириться с мыслью о том, что об окружающем его мире ему суждено знать очень немногое.
Франс А.

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Carl C. Brigham

A Study of American Intelligence (Classic Reprint)

Книга по Требованию, 2015
Страниц: 242
Excerpt from A Study of American Intelligence Two extraordinarily important tasks confront our nation: the protection and improvement of the moral, mental and physical quality of its people and the re-shaping of its industrial system so that it shall promote justice and encourage creative and productive workmanship. I have been asked to write this Foreword because of my official connection, as chief of the Division of Psychology, Office of the Surgeon General of the Army, with psychological examining during the war, but I have consented to write it because of my intense interest in the practical problems of immigration and my conviction that the psychological data obtained in the army have important bearing on some of them. When in April, 1917, I visited Canada to learn what use our neighbors were making of psychological principles and methods in their military activities, I found Mr. Carl C. Brigham attached as psychologist to the Military Hospitals Commission. With him...
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