Мы часто встречаем людей, ученость которых служит орудием их невежеству, - людей, которые чем больше читают, тем меньше знают.
Г. Бокль

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Skin Disorder Vitiligo & Its Management

Skin is one of most sensitive organ which plays an important role in health, disease as well as beauty. Even a small lesion on superficial skin can cause a lot of anxiety and depression in several people. Vitiligo is one of the most common skin disorder in many parts of the world and has become a problem for the human being. The patient suffering from vitiligo which are hated and despised in the hands of the society. Although except cosmetics defect, vitiligo is an absolutely harmless disease. But patients suffering from vitiligo one generally not respected in society and even in family which ultimately lead to a lot of psychological problems. Vitiligo means loss of pigment with white patches of varied sizes often symmetrically distributed. The skin bordering the affected sites is usually hyper-pigmented and hair in affected area is usually but not always white. In modern medicine, several drugs and modern methods, techniques are searching today but the treatment is not satisfactory in total eradication of the disease but there are various drugs described in the Ayurvedic (Indian System of Medicine) texts claimed as useful in the treatment of vitiligo.

Студенту на заметку:
Эксперты продемонстрировали новую связь кишечника с мозгом
Пациенты с СА имели одинаковый микробиом. Специалисты также показали, что бактериальный дисбаланс приводит к образованию молекул липополисахарида. Они проходят через кровоток в мозг и далее прикрепляются к слизистой оболочке кровеносных сосудов мозга, при этом способствуя развитию поражения.

Эксперты продемонстрировали новую связь кишечника с мозгом
Эксперты продемонстрировали новую связь кишечника с мозгом человека. Об этом стало известно Evo-rus.com.