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Estimation of T3,T4&TSH to evaluate SCHypothyroidism in Mullana,Ambala

Subclinical hypothyroidism(SCH) has become prevalent among various populations.Represents the earliest stages of thyroid dysfunction.Prevalence:4-10%.Progression to Hypothyroidism:5–8%/year.Common in women than in men &prevalence increases with age.Because of high prevalence & potential cost implications for the health care system,early detection of SCH individuals who might progress to overt hypothyroidism would be important.As Mullana in Haryana comes in SubHimalayan Goitre Belt,there are ample chances that people residing in this belt may have SCH.So this study was undertaken with aim to evaluate the burden of SCH in apparently healthy rural subjects residing in & around Mullana & to find out age & sexwise distribution.Present study revealed that prevalence of SCH is higher,more prevalent in females & elderly.Study has opened up a new era where the results can be used as baseline data to further extend the study on larger population in terms of deciphering the etiology behind this disease pattern so as to lessen its burden.Study suggests:thyroid disease should be considered during routine evaluation of susceptible population & should be followed by detection & treatment

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По словам главы Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации Дмитрия Ливанова, студенты, учащиеся в ВУЗах, которые в результате своей неэффективной работы будут подвержены реорганизации или же вовсе ликвидированы, продолжат свое обучение в других ВУЗах.

Слияние двух ВУЗов Читы
Министром образования и науки России 20 января был подписан приказ, направленный на объединение 2-х крупных университетов города Читы, а именно: Забайкальского государственного университета (ЗабГУ) и Забайкальского государственного гуманитарно-педагогического университ...