Мы столько можем, сколько знаем. Знание - сила.
Ф. Бэкон

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

Для связи: info@vuz-uchebniki.ru

высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Surgery in Space

Imagine that you have been selected to be the first space surgeon on a mission to Mars. You will have to work with your fellow astronauts to make this mission a success. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to operate in space? Do you wonder what happens with blood in microgravity? Do you know what it takes to become a space surgeon on an exploratory mission to Mars? Will wounds heal properly? You may only have access to limited surgical equipment. Will the surgery be successful with all those new variables? This book will hopefully answer some of your questions. Written by surgeons and space medicine specialists, “Surgery in Space” will take you through different aspects of the space environment that would make it a challenge to operate in space, will teach you the principles for conducting an operation in microgravity and discuss issues such as anesthesia in space, space tourism and benefits for Earth. Be ready for this expedition. Arm yourself with curiosity, be open-minded and get ready for the ride! “Surgery in Space” is awaiting you!

Студенту на заметку:
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0PУ вас есть транс-9,13-Диметил-7-(1,1,5-триметилциклогексен-5-ил-6)-нонатетраен-7,9,11,13-ол? Аптекарша несколько минут думает, а потом обращается к другой: 0PУ нас ретинола ацетат есть? 0PВитамин А, что ли? Старичок:

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