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Factors Influencing Adherence to ART in Adolescents at BBCCOE

The aim of the study was to determine the factors that influence adherence to ART among adolescents who contracted HIV through vertical transmission. Qualitative research using descriptive phenomenology was conducted at Botswana-Baylor Children’s Clinical Centre of Excellence. Data was collected using in-depth individual semi-structured interviews. Eight (8) adolescents between 14 and 19 years who had been on ART for minimum of 4 years were interviewed. Thematic analysis of data was done and five (5) themes emerged from the participants' description of the experience of taking ART taking ART over a long period of time. The themes that emerged indicated the factors that influence adherence to ART, and they included knowledge and positive beliefs about ART, need for support, ART difficult treatment regimen, having a regular doctor and psychosocial emotional needs. The findings suggested that the adolescents who contracted HIV through vertical transmission require support while continuing on a simplified long-term ART regimen after an assessment of their psychological well beings and periodic checks.

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