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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Ultrasonography: Role in Head Neck Imaging

Ultrasonography (USG) has been used in clinical practice for more than half a century. It is one of the most important diagnostic tool in medicine today. Basically in medical imaging it means science of recording sound and interpreting it. Medical applications have adopted ultrasound, notably in obstetrics and cardiology. A range of diagnostic problems that may present in head and neck can be managed with USG. While CT and MR imaging can be used for the evaluation of a variety of head and neck disorders, USG may be the initial modality for evaluating superficial structures. In Head Neck region ultrasound is useful in detecting and diagnosis of congenital anomalies prenatally, acquired abnormalities, cervical nodes, thyroid abnormalities, salivary gland pathologies, FNAC (USG assisted) and as a treatment modality. The compilation of material in this book focuses on basic principles of ultrasound, examination of head neck with ultrasound, ultrasonographic appearance of normal anatomical structure and highlights its utility in diagnosis of pathology in head neck region. I dedicated this book to my beloved brother Purnaratnavijayji Maharajsaheb, your blessing will be always with me.

Студенту на заметку:
Эффективность перовскитных солнечных батарей повысили за счет максеновых пленок
Химики повысили эффективность работы солнечных батарей на основе перовскитов и фуллеренов, встроив в них максены 0двумерные пленки из карбида титана. Об этом пишет пресс-служба НИТУ "МИСиС" со ссылкой на статью в журнале Nano Energy.

Эффективность отваров из полыни против коронавируса COVID-19 доказана
Биологи из Политехнического института Вустера под руководством Памелы Уэзерс решили проверить экстракты полыни, используемые в Африке для лечения малярии, на инфицированных коронавирусом культурах клеток.