Прежде старайся исследовать вещи, находящиеся вблизи тебя, затем те, которые удалены от твоего зрения.
Пифагор Самосский

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Metrical Study Of Adult Human Skulls In Maharashtra Population

For two centuries biologist and anthropologist attempted to classify human being according to phenotypic variations into races. Most classification are based either on pigmentation or skull form. When comparing skulls of different races and species, physical anthropologist makes use of measurements and indices which gives numerical expressions to certain features of the skulls, this constitutes craniometry. Traditionally the skull is the single most studied bone in physical anthropology. Archeologists have concentrated on excavating and preserving skulls and much of our knowledge of human evolution is based on cranial remains & may be used to determine the racial differences. Physical measurements of the skull are important clinical appraisal of certain neurological condition and of abnormally large heads or grossly misshapen cranium. The size of brain was best depicted by the volume of skull. Thus studying multiple measurements, indices and capacities can help to assess the skull and compare it with those of minor races, sub races, hybrid races, archaic or remnant races from the past or regional variants. Cranial index may be used to determine the racial differences.

Студенту на заметку:
Экс-депутат ЗакСа Светлана Нестерова получила пять лет общего режима
Светлану Нестерову обвиняли в мошенническом хищении средств, выделенных из бюджета по так называемой "депутатской поправке". Потом следствие переквалифицировало дело на статью об особо крупной взятке.

Экипаж ТПК [Союз МС-05k благополучно вернулся на Землю с МКС
Российский космонавт Сергей Рязанский, астронавт NASA Рэндолф Брезник и астронавт ЕSА Паоло Несполи после приземления чувствуют себя хорошо.