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Correlate iron deficiency anemia with gallstones disease

TO STUDY SERUM IRON LEVELS IN PATIENTS OF GALL BLADDER STONE DISEASE AND TO COMPARE WITH HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS ABSTRACT Background: The old axiom that a typical gall stone sufferer is a fat, fertile, female of fifty, is only partially true. The aetiology of cholelithiasis is still not well understood but various factors that have been held responsible are infection, metabolic changes and gall bladder stasis. Three conditions must be met to permit the formation of cholesterol gallstones:- 1.Supersaturation of bile with cholesterol, 2.Kinetically favorable nucleation, 3.Cholesterol crystals must remain in gall bladder long enough to agglomerate into stones. Trace elements such as (Fe, Ca, Zn and Cu) have got a definitive role in the formation of gallstones. Trace elements and defective pH of bladder may be one of the underlying factors in pathogenesis of gallstones. Aims: To estismate the serum ferritin level as a diagnostic tool of iron deficiency anemia in patients with gallstone. conclusion:Serum ferritin cannot be taken as sole diagnostic tool in the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia.

Студенту на заметку:
Элла Памфилова осудила отказ главы Хакасии от выборов. [Расходы - за его счетk
"Если он отказывается по состоянию здоровья, то как может руководить краем?" - усомнилась глава ЦИК.

Эксперты подсчитали количество фальсифицированных протоколов в пользу [Единой Россииk на думских выборах 2011 года
Журнал "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" опубликовал статью российских ученых под названием "Эксперимент оценки фальсификаций на парламентских выборах в России".