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Hypospadias in Sudan

Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies in male and the most common congenital penile abnormality, representing a spectrum of deficiency of penile development in which developmentally the fusion of the urethral folds is incomplete, so the urethral meatus terminates on the ventral surface of the penis proximal normal site, anywhere from glans to perineum. The condition occurs in approximately 1/150 to 1/300 males and recent surveys suggest that the incidence is increasing in industrialized countries. Hypospadias affects child as it is essentially a cosmetic difference leading to organic problems, and more important is the emotional impact of having a penis that looks different and the inability to pass urine in a standing position, this is why always surgery is Advocated.In this study we trieded to evaluate the practice of hypospadias in Sudan; as an example of low resources setting surgery, where we have examined the rate of different types of early complications, identify possible factors responsible for post-hypospadias repair complications, and determine the rate of associated problems with different types of hypospadias.

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