Учись так, как будто тебе предстоит жить вечно; живи так, как будто тебе предстоит умереть завтра.
С. Смайлс

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug: Piroxicam

Numerous diverse drugs are capable of causing histologic and cytogenetic damage In vivo mammalian system. The potential of similar effects in man is obvious. It is important to determine if drugs to which man may be exposed are capable of inducing cytogenetic and histopathological damages. This book provides experimental work already made by the author about the histopathological and cytogenetic effects of piroxicam (Feldene); a non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drug (NSAID) widely used in treatment of rheumatic diseases. The book express a short summary of the mechanism of action of piroxicam, its absorption, half-life and excretion is prsented. A review on the side effects, general toxicity of piroxicam is presented with special reference to its genotoxicity

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Международное образование в Австралии

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