Тем, кто хочет учиться, часто вредит авторитет тех, кто учит.
Цицерон Марк Туллий

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

Для связи: info@vuz-uchebniki.ru

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Explorative comprehension on Kakamachi (Solanum nigrum)

Ayurvedic material medica mainly depends on medicinal plants numbering 600 to 700 (based on Brihattratyee). Kakamachi is one of such a drug, which was utilized widely. The knowledge about herbs in Ayurveda texts is scattered and varied as well which is considered a drawback in the current scenario. It is high time that one should try to collect and compose all the information regarding each drug from all the available texts / sources in respect of the actions, Pharmacological properties, morphological characters formulations in which the drug is found. The natural products are utilized for drug discovery and pharmaceutical purposes. Many a time the references are taken from traditional texts or ethno-botanical surveys. It is also observed that, in spite of therapeutic effective (in a holistic way) the final output of finished product or compound not shows significant results. The present work on a single herb (Kakamachi) will be assets for the researchers to go back and trace out where is the lacuna while designing the protocol for drug discovery or pharmaceutical use in comparison with the traditional documentation.

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