Ученый без дарования подобен тому бедному мулле, который изрезал и съел Коран, думая исполниться духа Магометова.
Пушкин А. С.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

Для связи: info@vuz-uchebniki.ru

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Domestic and Workplace Violence

The term violence is used to describe animal and human behavior that threatens to cause or causes severe harm to a target. In studying human behavior, violence and aggression are frequently used as synonyms, with violence marked by an extra degree of expressiveness. This review identifies a wide range of topics within the context of violence, including prevalence and risk factors (causes), impacts of, and prevention of violence, as well as selected studies on specialized areas such as intimate partner violence and child abuse. Other forms of violence that have recently been given attention worldwide; such as violence in workplace, self directed violence, abuse of the elderly and collective abuse are discussed in this review in special chapter named miscellaneous forms of violence

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Школьники собрали модель самолета в новом выпуске проекта [Шоу профессийk
Проект реализуется Министерством просвещения совместно с Институтом изучения детства, семьи и воспитания РАО и Институтом развития профессионального образования

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