В древности люди учились для того, чтобы совершенствовать себя. Ныне учатся для того, чтобы удивить других.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

Для связи: info@vuz-uchebniki.ru

высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Food Choices and its Determinants among Children

Food Choices and its Determinants among Children School children are one of the most vulnerable groups who may take misleading and false nutritional information. In this Book we evaluate and recognize the nutrition education demands of children in both rural and urban primary schools of Tehran by group discussions with children and their mothers. This qualitative research uses focus group discussion (FGD) technique, with boys and girls separately, and in 2 rural and urban districts of Tehran. Findings show that children are eager to learn about the properties of foods and their effect on the body. They are also curious about the nutritive value of different foods and to know why some foods are labeled as “useful” or “less nutritive”. School staff especially teachers were named as the most influential on children’s nutritional behaviors, beside them doctors, nutritionists, family members, mass media ( eg. radio, TV, magazines and newspaper), books and the internet were also mentioned. The content of elementary curriculum seemed not to be attractive enough. Teaching methods and educational system need to be modified for successful nutrition communication with children.

Студенту на заметку:
Как уладить конфликт в детской среде
Несмотря на то, что конфликт несет в себе множество негативной энергии и эмоций, часто именно конфликтная ситуация помогает вывести отношения на более высокий уровень.

Как уберечь ребёнка от влияния тоталитарных сект?
В настоящее время атеистическая работа в школах не ведётся. Может быть, это и хорошо – государство у нас всё же светское.