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Ruth Alas

Organisational changes during the transition in Estonia

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010
Страниц: 232
This book attempts to increase our understanding of the behavioural factors influencing organisational change during the transition from an authoritarian, centralised, socialist state, to a democratic EU country with a free market economy. The process of continuous change in Estonian companies since the end of the 1980s has required that members of organizations learn new skills, attitudes and values. The author found connections between the institutionalisation stage at the societal level, types of change in organisations and the formation of attitudes toward changes and learning. It has been shown that differences in need satisfaction between people from traditional capitalist countries and those from former socialist countries has influenced expectations toward society, and organisations and ethical values. In light of empirical evidence, the existence of certain specific characteristics of the process of transformation cannot be ignored. This book aims to point...

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Центробанк установил курсы доллара и евро на 17 апреля
Доллар упал ниже 50 рублей.

Центробанк отозвал лицензии сразу у трех банков
Речь идет о московских банках "Юникорбанк" и "Ауэрбанк", а также махачкалинском банке "Новый коммерческий банк".