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Standardization and quality control of Dashanga Kwatha Ghana Tablet

About the Book:- Ayurveda the most ancient life science of the world is yet to be accepted as a science in its true sense by international scientific community. This is believed to be mainly due to lack of documentation and rigorous quality control of Ayurvedic drugs. There is a need for documentation of research work carried out on traditional medicines. With this backdrop, it becomes extremely important to make an effort toward standardization of the plant-based medicines. So this book ‘Standardization and quality control of Dashanga Kwatha Ghana tablet: An Ayurvedic classical formulation' helps as a reference book, which mainly includes the step by step methodology required for the standardization of Ayurvedic raw drugs and the formulation - Dashanga Kwatha Ghana in tablet form as mentioned in the protocol of CCRAS and WHO. This book will certainly help P.G. and Ph.D. Research Scholars, Academicians, Research officers & Pharmacists in field of Ayurveda.

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