Хуже всего то, что кто смолоду плохо обучен, тот до старости в этом не сознается.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Nanoparticles have gained much attention as a promising drug delivery system due to their unique properties. Rosiglitazone maleate, an antidiabetic agent, acts as a highly selective and potent agonist for PPAR receptors in target tissues for insulin action. In spite of its high efficiency, side effects limit the clinical use. To reduce the side effects of conventional dosage form, rosiglitazone loaded nanoparticles have been formulated. Nanoparticles were formulated by gelatin and chitosan via double desolvation and ionotropic gelation technique respectively, & subjected to photon correlation spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy & encapsulation efficiency studies. These studies favorably revealed that the mean particle diameter of optimized formulation was 49 nm (gelatin) and 86 nm (chitosan) with spherical morphology. The optimized formulation demonstrated favorable in vitro prolonged release characteristics with zero order, diffusion and erosion mechanisms. Nanoparticles also showed excellent stability. Hence, the designed delivery system can be fine tuned on the depending clinical applications.

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PОбъяснить превосходство Финской школы в образовании довольно сложно. Финляндия обладает красивыми зданиями университетов, имеет хорошо подготовленных учителей, современные тех...

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