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Radiographic Assessment of Oral Health Using Orthopantomogram

Oral health has always been an inseparable part of general health and affects the total wellbeing of individuals. The unique characteristic of oral and dental diseases is that they are universally prevalent and do not undergo remission or termination if untreated and require technically demanding expertise and time consuming professional treatment. Orthopantogram(OPG), is a panoramic scanning dental X-ray of the upper and lower jaw. It shows a two-dimensional view of a half-circle from ear to ear. A large number of anatomical structures appear on an OPG: Soft tissue structures, air shadows, bony structures, including the mandible, maxilla and temporal bone. A standard OPG will depict the whole mandible, inferior dental canal, maxillary sinuses, the floor and lateral walls of the maxillary antrum and the zygomatic buttress .This book review number of scientific researches and studies on those points and also it presents the work that assesses the oral health using OPG. This book also pressed and provided knowledge oral health and oral anatomy.

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