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Frequency of Correct Findings on Abdominal USG Compared With CT Scan

Abdominal trauma may pose a significant diagnostic challenge to the trauma surgeons as well as radiologists. Clinical findings are often unreliable and have low sensitivity for diagnosis of intra-peritoneal injuries following such injuries. Ultrasound imaging is a common method of diagnosing intra-abdominal injuries. This study was conducted to determine the role of USG in detecting intra-abdominal injuries. Objective: To determine the frequency of correct findings of abdominal ultrasonography compared with CT scan in detection of solid intra-abdominal visceral injuries in patients coming to emergency radiology (ER) wing of Nishtar Hospital, Multan. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Radiology wing of Emergency Department, Nishtar Hospital Multan. Duration with Dates: Approx. five months duration from 26th August 2009 to 14th January 2010. Subjects & Methods: Patients were included in study on the basis of history and clinical examination reporting to ER of Nishtar hospital Multan with suspicion of solid visceral organ injuries (like liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys) requiring abdominal USG evaluation.

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