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Д. Локк

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Safe Abortion:Concept and Knowledge

Unsafe abortion practices has long been the mainstay of maternal death in developing country like Nepal.Taking the fact into consideration, the government has taken an enterprising initiative and has legalized abortion on few grounds. But this reproductive health concern can only be paid off,if awareness about it could be made known to local community people.To bring in the desired change people should act and effective action comes out of learned minds. So, a comprehensive impact study of an educational intervention on Safe Abortion was carried out in a local community of Nepal.This book will come in handy for the researchers and analysts in the field of health sciences. It will equally be helpful for health policy planners and for all of them who are directly or indirectly linked with or are interested in health issues worldwide.

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Царев: автовокзал в Луганске был варварски обстрелян
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ЦСКА сыграет решающий матч с "Манчестер Юнайтед" в Лиге Чемпионов
Встречу в прямом эфире покажет телеканал "Матч ТВ". Начало в 22.45 по мск.