Если задать вопрос, живем ли мы теперь в просвещенный век, то ответ будет: нет, но мы живем в век просвещения.
И. Кант

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Daniel Tagoe

A Clinical Trail Of Doxycycline In Onchocerciasis Therapy

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011
Страниц: 76
Ivermectin although highly effective in the rapid destruction of microfilaria, has been found unsustainable in controlling onchocerciasis and would not be able to eradicate the disease. The discovery of Wolbachia and its implication in adverse reactions in ivermectin treated patients as well as target for therapy necessitated several research works. The author undertook a survey, recruited patients and treated them with different regimen of doxycycline. One regimen was found effective and more sustainable than ivermectin and reduces adverse reactions. This books takes the Research Scientist through step-by-step approach in designing a Clinical Trail and undertaking the research. A well designed Double-Blind Placebo control research, extensive Write-up, elaborate description of both fieldwork and laboratory analysis and the supporting arguments will help several Undergraduate, Master's and Ph.D students in designing and undertaking their research thesis.

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Библиотечно-информационный и культурный центр искусства и музыки (БИКЦИМ) ЦГПБ им.В.В. Маяковского / Невский, 20 приглашает на выставку, посвященную эрмитам, легендарным петербургским домовым.

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25 октября в 19.00 Лекторий Государственного Эрмитажа приглашает на лекцию к временной выставке [Livre d0Сrtiste. Выставка книг из собрания Марка Башмаковаk.