Педагог - человек, который лучше знает как воспитывать чужих детей, чем своих.
Ж. Фалкенаре

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Linking visfatin and endogenous secretory receptor

The criteria used to define metabolic syndrome (MeS) were revised in 2005. However, despite well known traditional features of MeS, the attention is still focused on new, nontraditional markers, such as adipokines and advanced glycation end products. In patients treated with intermittent hemodialysis (IHD), features of MeS are modulated by uremia and dialysis sessions. In this population 70% of patients demonstrate MeS. Thus, determination of new risk factors of MeS is very important in this group. Insulin–mimetic adipokin - visfatin and endogenous secretory receptor for advanced glycation end–products (esRAGE) have been recently linked to MeS. Purpose of this study was to determine plasma visfatin and esRAGE concentrations in IHD patients with or without MeS in relation to the selected biochemical and anthropometric parameters. The study was carried out in 65 IHD patients. It was found that in IHD patients: 1) plasma concentrations of visfatin and esRAGE are higher than in healthy population; 2) visfatin may belong to modulators of vascular damage in diabetic patients; 3) esRAGE may participate in the development of MeS.

Студенту на заметку:
Проблемы студенческой семьи
Студенты – народ, как известно, весёлый и незакомплексованный, многие любят проводить свободное время весело в компании сверстников, не особенно задумываясь о последствиях.

Проблемы современных студентов
Некоторые думают, что период обучения в ВУЗе – достаточно беззаботное время. Могут ли согласиться с этим современные студенты?