Ничему тому, что важно знать, научить нельзя, - все, что может сделать учитель, это указать дорожки.
Олдингтон Р.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Platelet Flow Cytometry and markers of immune activation in HIV

In the era of ART, the risk of AIDS-related deaths has decreased and people living with HIV now have prolonged life spans. However, HIV infected patients are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other inflammatory-associated complications. In this study we look at activated platelets and the potential role they play during infection and the inflammatory process. By mediating interactions between cells of innate immunity. Furthermore, we describe a novel Flow Cytometry based platelet functional assay and a cost-effective panel of tests that may be used to monitor disease progression in Anti-retroviral therapy naive HIV infected patients.

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