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Incidenc of Clinical Ketosis in Cows in & around Lahore

Livestock has a great significance in the development of economic conditions of a country. In Pakistan the share of Livestock sector is approximately 53.2 percent in the agriculture value and 11.4 percent in national GDP during 2009-10. While other development sector experienced saturation and decline, there is trend in increase of livestock population in 2009-10. Total number of buffaloes and cattle is 30.8 and 34.3 millions respectively in Pakistan (Anonymous, 2009-10). The number of buffaloes and cattle is 14.4 and 17.8 millions respectively in Punjab province (Anonymous, 2006). Punjab is a home of highly specialized tropical/subtropical buffaloes and cattle breeds. Those animals suffer from a number of diseases. Ketosis is one of them , define as metabolic disorder and it is managmental influenced cows disease during the early lactation period.

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