Наука - Обмен неведенья, где лишь одно Незнанье сменяется другим.
Байрон Д.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Kidney and HIV infection

Kidney has long been reported to be a target in patients with HIV infection. Presently HIV related kidney disease is among the commonest cause of kidney disorder globally. Kidney diseases have been reported at various stages of HIV infection. However, early studies were mainly on patients with advanced HIV infection thus kidney diseases were then thought to occur only in advanced AIDS. This book "KIDNEY and HIV infection" highlights the frequency of kidney disorder among the HIV population, including the epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics of these patients. Also the relationship between the degree of immunosuppression as detected by the CD4 cell count and the severity of kidney disease as detected by the impairment in kidney function is detailed in this book. This is an indept scientific study carried out in a developing country with all its antecedent financial and political challenges. The book is recommended for research fellows, medical practitioners, epidemiologists, undergraduate and postgraduate students with interest in nephrology and infectious diseases.This book is also recommended for your institution and personal library.

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