Мы часто встречаем людей, ученость которых служит орудием их невежеству, - людей, которые чем больше читают, тем меньше знают.
Г. Бокль

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L-Arginine and Myocardial Disorder

L-arginine and Myocardial disorder is a research work concerning the various types of cardiovascular diseases that involves the heart, blood vessels or both. Cardiovascular disease is found to be the leading cause of death worldwide. Although it affects the older adults frequently due to improper care and decreasing health conditions its predecessor, Atherosclerosis has been found to affect in early ages making primary prevention efforts quite necessary. Atherosclerosis is a syndrome that leads to the chronic inflammation of arterial blood vessels. It is caused by accumulation of macrophages, leukocytes and triglycerides which results into plaques within the arteries. All these factors contributes to ischemic myocardial syndrome if the arteries supplying the heart are affected. Several treatments are available to cure the different types of cardiac disorders but all have their own limitations. This study focuses on a therapy based on regular medication supplemented with amino acid L-arginine. This therapy has been found to be beneficial even in the elderly healthy population and could be used as a preventive measure against the precipitation of ischemic myocardial syndrome.

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