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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Epidemiology of human enteric viruses in Cameroon

It is important to emphasize that our current knowledge of enteric virus epidemiology in Cameroon is limited and the general disease burden of these viruses is unknown. Globally, molecular diagnostic tools have greatly improved out appreciation of the role of enteric viruses in the etiology of acute gastroenteritis. The high detection rate of enteric viruses in Cameroon should prompt in-depth clinical investigations to establish if these viruses are causative agents of diarrhea or are just a silent passenger in the intestinal tract. Advance knowledge on the transmission network of these viruses is indispensable for effective prevention and control of associated diseases. This Book is intended as a foundation of knowledge on enteric virus epidemiology in Cameroon. Emphasis has been put on risk factors, prevalence, seasonality, genetic diversity, dynamics of circulation and transmission of enteric viruses. The book should be especially useful to students of virology, researchers, physicians, nurses and public health officials.

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