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Risk Factors For Stunting Among Children

A low height-for-age indicates stunting which reflects a process of failure to reach linear growth potential. A community based case control study was conducted to identify the risk factors for stunting among children between 6 to 59 months in Surkhet, Nepal. The cases were stunted children and controls were children without stunting in families of the study area. The information was collected by interview to mothers and measurement of length/height from 118 cases and 118 controls. Odds ratio and corresponding 95% confidence interval were used to test the statistical significance. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the best explanatory model of stunting. This study summarized that stunting was found as the result of multiple factors such as socio-economic, environmental, feeding practices and childhood diseases. It is recommended that inter-sectoral coordination among health, agriculture, food and nutrition, environment, water supply and sanitation is indispensable. Similarly, health promotional activities to aware people and prevention and control of childhood diseases are imperative to reduce stunting among children.

Студенту на заметку:
Японские ученые упростили процедуру создания голограмм
Авторы из Токийского университета информируют, что их методика дает возможность в 56 раз сократить время создание голограммы, это делает технологию доступнее и дешевле.

Японские ученые создали [третью рукуk дляPчеловека
Японские ученые из Токийского университета и Национального института создали роботизированную руку AugLimb. Разработка может стать "третьей рукой" для человека, чтобы облегчить труд, пишет Tech Xplore. Роботизированная рука поможет расширить возможности тела человека.