Можно помешать народам учиться, но заставить их разучиться нельзя.
Л. Берне

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Antimicrobial use in Hysterctomy and Cesarean Section

Prophylactic use of antibiotics has become an accepted practice to minimize the incidence of post operative complications. This study aims at finding the pattern of use of antibiotic prophylaxis in cesarean section and hysterectomy in our institution and also the frequency of post operative morbidity.The study included seventy five patients undergoing cesarean section and seventy five patients undergoing hysterectomy. Antibiotics used, dose, dosage schedule were recorded. Investigations like pus, blood & urine culture and sensitivity was done for patients with post operative complications. We observed the use of third generation cephalosporins and metronidazole in most of the patients. Two drug or three drug combinations were used. Thirty patients in cesarean section and twenty four in hysterectomy had post operative complications which included wound infection, UTI and fever. Preoperatively antibiotics were used only in patients undergoing hysterectomy. E coli was the common organism isolated which was resistant to third generation cephalosporins and sensitive to amikacin. Periodic surveillance of antibiotic use is essential to detect the emergence of antibiotic resistance.

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