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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Kati Kaartinen

Novel prognostic factors in IgA glomerulonephritis

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009
Страниц: 104
IgA glomerulonephritis (IgAGN) is one of the most common forms of primary glomerulonephritis worldwide, accounting for 25–50 % of all patients with primary glomerulopathy. The hallmark for diagnosis is the deposition of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the glomerular mesangium, leading to histological damage of various degrees. A broad spectrum of clinical presentation and variable prognosis is typical for the disease and approximately 25–30 % of patients eventually develop end-stage renaldisease (ESRD).After the description of the disease in the late 1960s a considerable body of information has accumulated especially on the prognostic features and etiology of IgAGN. The purpose of the present series was to further investigate the prognostic role of insulin resistance, inflammatory markers and alcohol consumption and to gather data on the use of the biomarkers available in evaluating alcohol consumption in patients with IgAGN.

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